Newsletter - August 2024

Read Coverting Letter - Rama’s squirrel calling …..
August 2024, Vol.9;  No.06

Dear Friends,


“The Sudden demise of Indian vultures killed thousands of people”. Writes the famous journal “The Economist” without “nature’s sanitation service” pathogens spread into the water supply. Every species on this earth play an important role in maintaining the ecological balance. When one species is removed, it causes serious disturbances to the ecological balance and it will have a profound negative effect on other organisms including humans. We, in our project – Green Resilient Rameswaram – always emphasise on preserving and maintaining the bio-diversity.

This month’s newsletter has the following highlights:

  • Dr.Sanjay Banerji writes on “Sustainable Living-3”
  • Shri.Rangarajan continues to translate a couple of shlokas from the rare book on Ramanathaswami Temple
  • Usual work carried out by Hand in Hand Inclusive Development Services in “Solid waste management”
  • Dr. A.Abirami, Programme Officer of the C.P.R. Environmental Educational Center, Chennai writes on the herbal plant –  Peppermint (Paparaminta)
  • In Social capital - Teertha Poojas, Independence day celebrations, Krishna Jayanthi celebration, Webinars and finally newsletter by the students and for the students of Rameswaram.
  • Shradhanjali to our close friend and well-wisher Shri.K.Shivakumar of Gandhigram Trust, Dindigul.

With best wishes,

Editorial Team
Green Rameswaram Project
Mahabeer Dharmasala
Rameswaram - 623526
Ph: 04573 - 222296(office)
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sustainable Living - 3

Dr.Sanjay Banerji
Founder Director/Dean of Amrita School of Business

Dear Friends,

Greetings from Amrita.

Let us continue with this new series on the theme of Sustainable Living / Sustainable Lifestyle. Earlier, we discussed what is sustainability, how lifestyles impact sustainability and attempted to offer some definitions of sustainable lifestyles.


A Rare book - Dhevaiula
on Ramanathaswami

C.Rangarajan, Chennai

This classical work on Sri Ramanatha Swami of Rameswaram was composed by “Palapattadai Chokkanatha Pillai”. This work was discovered by Sri U.Ve. Saminatha Iyer after comparing multiple versions. He also wrote a commentary on this rare text.


Solid Waste Management

Hand in Hand Inclusive Development and Services Chennai

Door to Door Waste Collection and Segregation Programmes

The door-to-door waste collection and later source segregation along with street cleaning were carried out uninterruptedly.


Herbal Garden (Muligai Vanam)

By Dr.A.Abirami
C.P.R. Environmental Education Center, Chennai

Distribution and Habitat:

Mentha x piperita L. a medicinally important plant belongs to the family Lamiaceae. It is widely grown in temperate areas of the world particularly in Asia, Europe, North America and Africa but nowadays cultivated throughout the world. The plant is strongly scented, rhizomatous perennial herb, about 30 to 90 cm in height; stem square erect, branched, upper portion quadrangular; rhizomes wide-spreading, fleshy with fibrous roots; leaves 4 to 9 cm long and 1.5 to 4 cm broad, opposite, petiolate, ovate-oblong to oblong-lanceolate, dark green on the upper surface; flowers 6 to 8 mm long, purplish, fruit consists of 4 ellipsoidal nutlets. The plant can spread quickly through underground stem.


Social Capital

Green Rameswaram Trust

Teertha Pooja

Our work of involving community in doing Teertha poojas is going on smoothly. Locals are trying to take the ownership of the programme with the help of SHG Cordinators. In this month, we could perform Teertha poojas at 22 Traditional water bodies with 265 volunteers participating in the activity.


Green Rameswaram newsletter (Tamil)

For students….
From students ..

48th issue – August 2024